About me

Hello, thanks for stopping by!

I'm Calvin, a UX/Product designer who is passionate about creating and designing simple yet expressive digital experiences. My favourite aspect of which, is translating complex processes and user journeys to simple and easy to use formats.

With my background in Aerospace Engineering, I learnt the importance in iterating designs to reach optimal and desired results. As a designer, employing the merits of iterations is a continuous process and I am still learning more effective ways to iterate within new projects.

As a freelance digital artist, I have experienced the pain of creating and designing without prior client and business knowledge. This often led to submitting designs to clients, who would give never-ending feedback and iterations. I then decided to change my approach to the problem by incorporating user research into my design process.

I have always enjoyed problem solving (hence the engineering) but moreover I enjoy trying to understand people and their motivations. This, combined with my artistic background has led me to UX design.